Archived Content
The information on this page is out of date. However, some of the content may still be useful, so we have archived the page.
Edition Date: 10/21/19. From Jan. 31, employers may use either the 07/17/17 N or the 10/21/2019 version until Apr. 30. Starting May 1, employers can only use the 10/21/19 version.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced that, as part of the adjustment of its international footprint to increase efficiencies, Form I-130, Petition for Alien Relative, will only be processed domestically by USCIS or internationally by the Department of State in certain circumstances beginning Feb 1, 2020.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will implement the Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds final rule on Feb. 24, 2020, except in Illinois, where the rule remains enjoined by a federal court (as of Jan. 30, 2020).
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced updates to its Policy Manual that address mobile biometrics services and fingerprint waivers.
USCIS Begins Processing Adoptions from Montenegro
Intercountry Adoptions under the Hague Adoption Convention
On April 1, 2014, USCIS will begin accepting and adjudicating Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption (Hague Adoption Convention) petitions filed on behalf of children from Montenegro.
The Department of State has determined that Montenegro’s intercountry adoption system supports:
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services today announced a process change for Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Investor, from a first-in, first-out basis to a visa availability approach.
China Center of Adoption Affairs (CCAA) announced that all prospective adoptive families will be required to work with a U.S. Hague accredited adoption service provider for both transition cases and Convention cases beginning December 1, 2009. This requires all families to work with an agency that is both U.S.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security obtained a pivotal judicial victory today after the U.S. Supreme Court stayed a nationwide injunction that prevented the agency from enforcing its regulatory interpretation of section 212(a)(4) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, a long-standing law that makes an alien inadmissible if the alien is likely at any time to become a public charge.
National Pass Rate
As of November 2019, the national pass rate for the naturalization test is 90%.
National Pass Rate
As of October 2019, the national pass rate for the naturalization test is 90%.