Archived Content
The information on this page is out of date. However, some of the content may still be useful, so we have archived the page.
On March 28, 2019, President Trump issued a memorandum directing Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to extend the deferred enforced departure (DED) wind-down period for eligible Liberians for 12 months and to provide for continued work authorization through March 30, 2020. Eligible Liberians may apply for new EADs covering this extended wind-down period.
United States Attorney Halsey B. Frank announced that Marena Mushero, 28, recently of Hampden, Maine, was sentenced yesterday in U.S. District Court by Judge Lance E. Walker to five years of probation for conspiring to enter a marriage in order to evade U.S. immigration laws.
A federal grand jury indicted Kishore Dattapuram, Kumar Aswapathi, and Santosh Giri, charging the defendants in a visa fraud scheme, announced United States Attorney David L. Anderson and Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Investigations Special Agent in Charge Ryan L. Spradlin.
USCIS has launched an H-1B Employer Data Hub to provide information to the public on employers petitioning for H-1B workers.
On March 28, 2019, President Trump, after consulting relevant executive branch agencies, issued a memorandum extending the wind-down period for Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) for an additional 12 months, through March 30, 2020, for certain eligible Liberians. During this time, such individuals may remain in the United States. The president also directed DHS Secretary Nielsen to provide for continued work authorization for Liberian DED beneficiaries. USCIS will publish a notice in the Federal Register with information on the six-month automatic extension, through Sept.
An owner of two information technology companies was sentenced Wednesday to 15 months in prison for his role in using phony documents to fraudulently obtain H-1B visas for foreign workers and submitting false tax returns, U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito announced.
On May 20, USCIS will begin premium processing for FY 2020 cap-subject H-1B petitioners requesting a change of status on their Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker.
U.S. Attorney James P. Kennedy, Jr. announced last week that Anjaneyulu Katam, 46, of Rochester, NY, who was convicted of visa fraud, was sentenced to serve 12 months and one day in prison and fined $5,000 by Chief U.S. District Judge Frank P. Geraci.
USCIS will begin accepting petitions for employment with start dates in fiscal year (FY) 2020 under the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)-Only Transitional Worker program (the CW-1 program) on April 4, 2019.
A resident of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, has been sentenced in federal court to one year of probation on his conviction of conspiracy to defraud the United States and to commit offenses against the United States, United States Attorney Scott W. Brady announced today.