Outreach Tools

Local communities play an important role in helping lawful permanent residents assimilate into American society. In this section of the Citizenship Resource Center, find helpful outreach materials to promote citizenship education and learn about how your organization can support immigrants through the naturalization process.
Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Campaign
This public awareness campaign promotes the rights, responsibilities and importance of U.S. citizenship, and the free naturalization preparation resources offered by USCIS.
Learn About the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit
Learn more about the Civics and Citizenship Toolkit for your organization to help enhance your citizenship collection and program for immigrants.
Eligible to Naturalize Fact Sheets and Fact Sheets on Promoting Citizenship
USCIS has developed fact sheets to assist with outreach to specific groups that may have special circumstances in common. Eligible to Naturalize Fact Sheets provide information on these populations in cities and regions throughout the United States, with information on select characteristics of lawful permanent residents in those areas. The Fact Sheets on Promoting Citizenship were developed to promote naturalization to individuals with specific circumstances, such as low-income individuals, individuals age 50 and older, and former refugees and asylees to name a few.
Set Up a Citizenship Corner
Citizenship Corners can be set up in libraries, at organizations, places of work, or city facilities to provide information about the naturalization process and citizenship study materials. Set up your corner today!
Libraries play a critical role in serving immigrant communities. Learn about what libraries can do to support immigrant communities.
Museums offer a unique way to help immigrants learn about U.S. history and government and encourage civic engagement.
Community-Based Organizations
Learn about how community-based organizations can support citizenship efforts in their communities.
Local Governments
Local communities play an important role in welcoming and assisting immigrants. Find resources for local governments to help support citizenship education.
Employers can promote citizenship among their eligible immigrant employees, which can ultimately benefit both their workplace and the larger community. Find resources available to you and your business to support citizenship education and awareness.