Set Up a Citizenship Corner

What is a Citizenship Corner?
A Citizenship Corner is a dedicated space to provide information to lawful permanent residents (LPRs) about the naturalization process to become a U.S. citizen. Citizenship Corners can also include study materials to help an LPR prepare for the naturalization interview and test.
Citizenship Corners can be set up at various locations including libraries, museums, community-based organizations, places of work, city facilities, or at any immigrant-serving organization.
1. Order one free copy of the USCIS Civics and Citizenship Toolkit. The Toolkit contains educational materials and publications to help LPRs learn more about the United States and prepare for the naturalization process. Additional resources are available for purchase through the U.S. Government Bookstore.
2. Build your collection by downloading and printing or purchasing other USCIS materials including:
3. Display and distribute free USCIS informational resources:
Print 11" x 17" citizenship awareness posters in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Display these posters in the Citizenship Corner, classrooms, and other visible areas.
Print 6" x 9" informational flyers in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. These flyers highlight naturalization eligibility requirements and resources available on the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center.
Download and distribute the brochure 10 Steps to Naturalization: Understanding the Process of Becoming a U.S. Citizen.
Download and display the Pathway to U.S. Citizenship poster.
Add computers to the Citizenship Corners and set the Internet browser home page to the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center at, a one-stop USCIS resource for locating citizenship preparation materials and tools.
- Encourage LPRs to sign up for a free USCIS account to submit their Form N-400, Application for Naturalization, online. Learn more about filing your application online with USCIS.
- To prepare for the naturalization interview, LPRs can try out different interactive practice tests.
- Set up a video monitor at the Citizenship Corner and play The USCIS Naturalization Interview and Test video on a continuous loop.
Arrange your Citizenship Corner to be welcoming and helpful.
- Decorate the Citizenship Corner in a patriotic theme.
- Distribute promotional flyers for citizenship or English as a Second Language (ESL) classes offered at your library or organization.
- Distribute flyers from local DOJ-recognized organizations that may be able to help immigrant customers with USCIS forms. Also visit our find legal services page for helpful information.
- Create and distribute a referral list of local community organizations that provide citizenship services and ESL classes in your community. Start by visiting the Find Help in Your Community page. Another resource for finding community organizations that offer ESL, civics, and citizenship education classes is the Class Locator. Search for programs by zip code.
- In addition to USCIS developed materials, organizations can add information about community resources, English teaching materials, and other relevant books and videos. While there are a number immigration topics that may be of interest, USCIS recommends displaying only citizenship and naturalization-related resources in the Citizenship Corner.
USCIS often holds naturalization information sessions and administrative naturalization ceremonies in libraries. View the list of upcoming naturalization information sessions at libraries nationwide. Contact your local USCIS community relations officer if you are interested in USCIS holding a similar session through your library.
USCIS offers many free web resources on the USCIS Citizenship Resource Center.
- You may want to add a link to on your website.
- Visit the Citizenship Public Education and Awareness page to link to additional outreach materials and posters. You will also find promotional radio and television PSAs that can be added to your webpage.
- You can also include information about immigration and citizenship resources available at your organization.