Case Check for Central American Minors Parole Program
If you have a relative whose Central American Minors (CAM) parole case was affected by the Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction in S.A. et al v. Trump issued on May 17, 2019 and related settlement agreement, you can use the CAM Case Check tool below to check whether their case is eligible for processing under the parole program.
If you have additional questions regarding cases opened under the settlement agreement, you may send your inquiry to If you are in El Salvador, you may inquire with the USCIS Field Office in San Salvador. If you are in Honduras or Guatemala, you may inquire with the USCIS Field Office in Guatemala City.
USCIS is reopening this CAM parole case and will resume processing for consideration under the same CAM Parole program requirements in place before the program ended.
Our records indicate that we conditionally approved this case for CAM parole and that we rescinded the conditional approval in 2017 following the program termination. The parent in the United States and the family member abroad will receive a notice indicating that USCIS is reopening this CAM parole case for continued processing.
If the parent in the United States does not receive the notice by July 15, 2019, please email
Our records indicate that this case is not one of the cases that USCIS is reopening as part of the settlement for certain CAM parole cases.
If you feel you received this response in error, please email with evidence of your prior CAM conditional approval and subsequent rescission.
In August 2017, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the termination of the CAM parole program. This program considers for parole certain children and family members in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras who were eligible for access to the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program but were found ineligible for refugee resettlement.
On June 13, 2018, a complaint was filed in the Northern District of California, S.A. v. Trump, 18-cv-03539, challenging the August 2017 decision to terminate the CAM parole program and related issues. Under the Final Judgment and Order for Permanent Injunction in S.A. v. Trump issued on May 17, 2019, and related settlement agreement, USCIS is continuing to process certain CAM parole cases under the previous CAM parole policies and procedures. This agreement affects individuals who received a conditional parole approval notice that USCIS then rescinded in 2017 after the CAM parole program’s termination. USCIS mailed notices alerting parents and their qualifying family members in cases affected by this agreement.
If you did not receive a notice in the mail and are unsure whether your case is eligible for resumed processing of CAM parole, please use the CAM Case Check tool above.
Contacting USCIS About Your Case
You may send your inquiry regarding parole under the CAM parole settlement agreement to If you are in El Salvador, you may inquire with the USCIS Field Office in San Salvador. If you are in Honduras or Guatemala, you may inquire with the USCIS Field Office in Guatemala City.
AUTHORITIES: The information requested by the CAM Parole Program Lookup, is collected under the Immigration and Nationality Act section 212(d)(5)(A) and 101(a)(13)(B).
PURPOSE: The primary purpose for collecting your DOS WRAPS case number is to assist you with determining whether you may be eligible to seek parole under the CAM Parole Program.
DISCLOSURE: The information you provide is voluntary. However, failure to provide the requested information, may prevent USCIS from providing you with a response to determine whether you may be eligible to seek parole under the CAM Parole Program.
ROUTINE USES: Information disclosed to DHS by DOS may be used by and disclosed to DHS personnel and contractors or other agents who need the information to assist in activities related to your inquiry. The information may be shared in accordance with approved routine uses described in the associated published system of records notice [STATE-59-Refugee Case Records (PDF)] and as described in the Privacy Impact Assessments [DHS/USCIS/PIA-064 myUSCIS and DOS Refugee Processing Center - General Support System].