G-325A, Biographic Information (for Deferred Action)
Use this form to provide biographic information when submitting a request for deferred action for certain military service members and their family members, or for non-military deferred action (other than deferred action based on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), Violence Against Women Act, A-3, G-5 nonimmigrants, and T and U nonimmigrant visas).
Form Details
Dates are listed in mm/dd/yy format.
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If you need help downloading and printing forms, read our instructions.
File this form by mail to:
Attn: Deferred Action
10 Application Way
Montclair, CA 91763-1350
You can find the filing fee for Form G-325A by visiting our Fee Schedule page. For individuals requesting Employment Authorization through Part 3 of Form G-325A, submit the appropriate fee for the Form I-765, Application for Employment Authorization, as applicable. However, you should NOT file Form I-765 if you request Employment Authorization through Part 3 of Form G-325A. There is no fee for Form I-765 for those seeking employment authorization based on Special Immigrant Juvenile deferred action. If an alien cannot pay the filing fee, they may request the fee be waived by filing Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver. Additional information is available on the fee waiver page.
Filing Tips: Review our Tips for Filing Forms by Mail page for information on how to ensure we will accept your form.
Don’t forget to sign your form. We will reject any unsigned form.
Aliens must select the filing type(s) for their deferred action request in Part 2 of Form G-325A and submit evidence that they warrant deferred action as a matter of discretion. See below for additional evidence and documentation appropriate for each filing type.
A. Labor Investigation-Based Deferred Action (LIB-DA)
Evidence should include:
- A Statement of Interest from a labor or employment agency addressed to U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) supporting the request;
- Evidence to establish that the alien falls within the scope of workers specified in the Statement of Interest, such as W-2s, pay stubs, timecards, and/or other documentary evidence such as a signed affidavit to demonstrate that the alien was employed during the period identified in the labor or employment agency statement;
- Proof of the alien’s identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document used to lawfully enter the United States or other evidence relating to the alien’s immigration history or status; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
For more information on labor agency investigation deferred action, visit the DHS Support of the Enforcement of Labor and Employment Laws webpage.
B. Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ DA)
Evidence should include:
- Evidence that the alien was approved for SIJ classification;
- If the alien is requesting a subsequent period of deferred action, evidence of their prior grant of SIJ deferred action (for example, a copy of Form I-797, Notice of Action, for Form I-360, Petition for Amerasian, Widow(er), or Special Immigrant, indicating that SIJ deferred action was granted);
- Proof of the alien’s identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document used to lawfully enter the United States or other evidence relating to the alien’s immigration history or status; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
For more information on Special Immigrant Juvenile deferred action, visit the Special Immigrant Juveniles page and the Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) Frequently Asked Questions page.
C. Spouse, Widow(er), Parent, Son, or Daughter of Active-Duty Service Member of U.S. Armed Forces or Individual in the Selected Service of the Ready Reserve (MIL DA)
Evidence should include:
- A copy of DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document;
- Proof of family relationship, if applying based on family relationship to military member, veteran or enlistee, such as:
- Marriage certificate;
- Documentation of termination of previous marriage;
- Son’s or daughter’s birth certificate;
- Military member’s birth certificate with mother and/or father's name; or
- Proof of enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS);
- Proof of residence in the United States at the time of the service member’s death (If you are a surviving family member);
- Proof of identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document you used to lawfully enter the United States; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
For more information on deferred action for military family members, visit the Discretionary Options for Military Members, Enlistees, and Their Families webpage.
D. Spouse, Widow(er), Parent, Son, or Daughter of Individual (whether living or deceased) who previously served on Active Duty or in the Selected Service of the Ready Reserve (and was not dishonorably discharged) (MIL DA)
Evidence should include:
- A copy of DD Form 4, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document;
- Proof of family relationship, if applying based on family relationship to military member, veteran or enlistee, such as:
- Marriage certificate;
- Documentation of termination of previous marriage;
- Son’s or daughter’s birth certificate;
- Military member’s birth certificate with mother and/or father's name; or
- Proof of enrollment in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS);
- Proof of residence in the United States at the time of the service member’s death (If you are a surviving family member);
- Proof of identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document you used to lawfully enter the United States; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
For more information on deferred action for military family members, visit the Discretionary Options for Military Members, Enlistees, and Their Families webpage.
E. Medical or Humanitarian
Evidence should include:
- Proof of the alien’s identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document used to lawfully enter the United States or other evidence relating to the alien’s immigration history or status; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion, including the medical or humanitarian basis for the request.
F. Statelessness
Evidence should include:
- Proof of the alien’s identity;
- Documents or other evidence that may be relevant to determining whether the alien is stateless, if they would like U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to consider their potential statelessness in the adjudication of their deferred action request, such as a written statement that identifies their country of origin and country of last habitual residence and explains the circumstances related to their potential statelessness;
- If applicable, any document used to lawfully enter the United States or other evidence relating to the alien’s immigration history or status; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
For more information on deferred action requests by stateless aliens, visit the Statelessness webpage.
G. Government Referral (other than a Labor Agency)
Evidence should include:
- A letter of support from the federal, state, or local government agency naming the alien, explaining the government interest, and need for DHS’s favorable exercise of discretion;
- Proof of the alien’s identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document used to lawfully enter the United States or other evidence relating to the alien’s immigration history or status; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
H. Other
Evidence should include:
- Proof of the alien’s identity and nationality;
- If applicable, any document used to lawfully enter the United States or other evidence relating to the alien’s immigration history or status; and
- Evidence of any additional factors supporting a favorable exercise of discretion.
Employment Authorization Request
Individuals may request Employment Authorization through Part 3 of Form G-325A. If an alien selects “Yes” to employment authorization on Part 3, Question 1, the alien must submit the appropriate Employment Authorization fee. If an alien is unable to pay the Form I-765 filing fee, they may request the fee be waived by filing Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver. Additional information is available on the fee waiver page. Exception: there is no fee to request Employment Authorization based on Special Immigrant Juvenile Deferred Action.
If USCIS does not grant the deferred action request, the related Employment Authorization request will be denied. Refunds will not be issued.
Social Security Card Request
An alien may request a Social Security number (SSN) through Part 4 of Form G-325A. If USCIS approves the alien’s request for work authorization and the alien completed the section on the application to request a Social Security card, then USCIS will send the Social Security Administration (SSA) the data needed to issue the alien a Social Security card.
The alien will receive two documents – their Employment Authorization Document (EAD), also known as the “USCIS I-766 card” or “work permit”, and in another envelope their Social Security card. The SSA will mail the Social Security card to the address the alien listed on their Form I-765 application. The alien should receive their Social Security card no later than 14 days after they receive their EAD from USCIS.
If an alien does not receive their Social Security card within 14 days after receiving their EAD, they should call or visit an SSA office. For more information, please review this flyer. NOTE: If you are you unable to complete any of the questions in Part 1., SSA may not be able to process your SSN and Social Security card request, and you will need to contact your local Social Security office.