News Releases
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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Labor (DOL) are issuing a temporary final rule that makes available 64,716 additional H-2B temporary nonagricultural worker visas for fiscal year (FY) 2023.
The Department of Homeland Security today posted a Federal Register notice on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Ethiopia.
Today, USCIS released its Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 progress report with new information demonstrating how it reduced backlogs in certain programs and supported humanitarian missions.
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas today announced the extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Haiti for an additional 18 months, from February 4, 2023, through August 3, 2024, due to extraordinary and temporary conditions in Haiti.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services announced today that Form I-589, Application for Asylum and for Withholding of Removal, is available to file online for certain affirmative asylum applicants. USCIS continues to accept the latest paper version of this form by mail.
“While today’s decision is deeply disappointing, it does not change current USCIS operations. Consistent with the court’s order, USCIS will continue to accept and process DACA renewal requests, and continue to accept but not process initial DACA requests. We remain committed to preserve and fortify DACA within our authority, but ultimately Congress must act to provide permanent protections to DACA recipients and their families.”
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today announced an extension of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Burma for an additional 18 months, from Nov. 26, 2022, through May 25, 2024, due to extraordinary and temporary conditions in Burma that prevent individuals from safely returning.
امریکی محکمہ برائے ملکی سالمیت (U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)) نے ایک حتمی اصول جاری کیا ہے، جسے وفاقی رجسٹر میں شائع کیا جائے گا، جو غیر شہریوں کے لیے اس امر کی وضاحت اور تسلسل فراہم کرتا ہے کہ DHS عدم قبولیت کے پبلک عوامیچارج کی بنیاد کا نظام کیسے
Bộ An ninh Nội địa Hoa Kỳ (DHS) đã ban hành một quy định chung cuộc, sẽ được đăng trong Công báo Liên bang, để thể hiện sự nhất quán và rõ ràng về cách mà DHS áp dụng lý do gánh nặng xã hội để từ chối nhập cư những người không phải là công dân Hoa Kỳ.
Міністерство внутрішньої безпеки США (DHS) оприлюднило остаточне правило, яке буде опубліковане у Федеральному реєстрі (Federal Register), що забезпечує ясність і послідовність для осіб, які не є громадянами країни, щодо того, як DHS буде застосовувати недопущення до країни на підставі визначення суспільного тягаря.
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