Chapter 2 - Eligibility Requirements
The employment-based immigrant classifications are comprised of the following categories of workers:
- First preference workers, including persons of extraordinary ability, outstanding professors or researchers, and multinational executives or managers (EB-1);[1]
- Second preference workers, including members of the professions holding advanced degrees and persons of exceptional ability (EB-2);[2] and
- Third preference workers, including skilled workers, professionals, and other workers (EB-3).[3]
The following table outlines the eligibility requirements that must be met in order for an alien to obtain permanent residence in the United States based on employment.
General Eligibility Requirements for Employment-Based Immigration |
If a job offer is required, the petitioning employer meets the classification-specific requirements and has the ability to pay the proffered wage.[4] |
The beneficiary qualifies under one of the employment-based immigrant classifications.[5] |
Where applicable, the beneficiary has an individual permanent labor certification application approved by the U.S. Department of Labor or seeks a Schedule A blanket labor certification.[6] |
[^ 1] See INA 203(b)(1).
[^ 2] See INA 203(b)(2).
[^ 3] See INA 203(b)(3).
[^ 4] For more information about employer requirements, see Part F, Employment-Based Classifications [6 USCIS-PM F]. For information about employers that are successors to the entity that filed the labor certification application, see Chapter 3, Successor-in-Interest in Permanent Labor Certification Cases [6 USCIS-PM E.3]. For information on ability to pay, see Chapter 4, Ability to Pay [6 USCIS-PM E.4]. Finally, see Business Structures.
[^ 5] See Part F, Employment-Based Classifications [6 USCIS-PM F].
[^ 6] See INA 212(a)(5). This requirement only applies to EB-2 and EB-3 classifications. See INA 212(a)(5)(D). For individual applications, see Chapter 6, Labor Certification [6 USCIS-PM E.6]. For Schedule A blanket certification, see Chapter 7, Schedule A Designation Petitions [6 USCIS-PM.E.7].