Scams, Fraud, and Misconduct

Report Fraud
Help us protect the integrity of the immigration process. This includes fraud related to H-1B visas, H-2B visas, EB-5, asylum, marriage, and other immigration benefits.

USCIS Tip Form
One way we protect the immigration system is by making it easy for you to report immigration fraud and abuse through our online tip form.

Avoid Scams
Learn how to become an authorized provider, identify common scams, find community-based organization and legal assistance, and resources to help you avoid becoming a victim of an immigration services scam.

Common Scams
Use this information to avoid common immigration scams.

Report Immigration Scams
Have you been a victim of an immigration services scam, and need to find help? Remember reporting scams will not affect your immigration application or petition.

Report USCIS Employee Misconduct
If you believe a USCIS employee has been involved in criminal violations, misconduct, wasteful activities, or allegations of civil rights or civil liberties abuse, you should report specific information to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of the Inspector General.