USCIS Language Access Plan
Providing Limited English Proficient individuals with meaningful access to USCIS services
USCIS’ Language Access Plan establishes goals and guidelines to ensure that Limited English Proficient (LEP) individuals have meaningful access to our services and information. This draft plan summarizes our efforts to comply with Executive Order 13166 and the Department of Homeland Security’s Language Access Plan.
Executive Order 13166 directs each federal agency to “examine the services it provides and develop and implement a system by which LEP individuals can meaningfully access those services consistent with, and without unduly burdening the fundamental mission of the Agency.”
The Department of Homeland Security’s Language Access Plan requires each DHS component to draft its own plan.
USCIS regularly interacts with applicants in languages other than English through translated materials, multilingual public engagements, the USCIS Contact Center's toll-free line, and in-person appointments at our offices. As part of our commitment, we also routinely produce educational and outreach materials in multiple languages and publish them to the Multilingual Resource Center. The agency additionally conducts assessments of language access efforts and maintains an active Language Access Working Group (LAWG).
The LAWG works to implement the USCIS Language Access Plan, ensuring that LEP applicants have meaningful access to immigration benefit services in a manner consistent with the mission of USCIS. Because this is a key value for USCIS, the LAWG consists of leaders and representatives from across the agency and meets regularly in group and sub-group settings.