Lista de Instituciones de Investigación Estadounidenses y Otras Organizaciones Reconocidas
La tabla siguiente es una lista de las instituciones de investigación estadounidenses (AIR, por sus siglas en inglés), organizaciones públicas internacionales y designaciones hechas bajo la Ley de Exenciones Internacionales del 6 de abril de 2011.
A cada una se le asigna un número AIR de USCIS. La organización primaria es identificada con un asterisco (*) en la lista a continuación.
NÚMERO USCIS AIR | Institución de Investigación Estadounidense Reconocida |
AIR0000001 | African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF - USA). |
AIR0000002 | Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University (solo en relación con sus programas de investigación). |
AIR0000003 | American Friends of the Middle East, Inc. |
AIR0000004 | American Institutes of Research in the Behavioral Sciences (solo en relación con sus programas de investigación). |
AIR0000005 | American Universities Field Staff, Inc. |
AIR0000006 | American University, The, Cairo, Egypt. |
AIR0000100 | American University of Armenia |
AIR0000007 | American University of Beirut (Near East College Associations). |
AIR0000008 | Arctic Institute of North America, Inc. |
AIR0000009 | Armour Research Foundation of Illinois Institute of Technology. |
AIR0000010 | Asia Foundation, The (formerly Committee for a Free Asia, Inc.). |
AIR0000011 | Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA, Inc.), Tucson, Arizona. |
AIR0000012 | Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission. |
AIR0000099 | Baylor College of Medicine |
AIR0000013 | Beirut University College. |
AIR0000014 | Bermuda Biological Station for Research, Inc. |
AIR0000015 | Bernice P. Bishop Museum of Polynesian Antiquities, Ethnology and Natural History at Honolulu, Hawaii. |
AIR0000016 | Brookhaven National Laboratory Associated Universities, Inc. |
AIR0000017 | Brown University (Department of Engineering), Providence, R.I. |
AIR0000018 | Buffalo Eye Bank and Research Society, Inc. |
AIR0000019 | Burma Office of Robert N. Nathan Associates, Inc. |
AIR0000020 | California State University at Long Beach, Department of Geological Sciences. |
AIR0000021 | Carleton College (Department of Sociology and Anthropology), Northfield, Minnesota. |
AIR0000022 | Center of Alcohol Studies, Laboratory of Applied Biodynamics of Yale University. Central Registry of Jewish Losses in Egypt. |
AIR0000023 | College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin. |
AIR0000024 | College of Medicine, State University of New York. |
AIR0000025 | Colorado State University (Research Foundation), Fort Collins, Colo. |
AIR0000026 | *Colorado University (International Economic Studies Center), Boulder, Colo. |
AIR0000027 | Columbia University (Parker School of Foreign and Comparative Law) and (Faculty of Pure Science), New York, N.Y. |
AIR0000028 | Cornell University (International Agricultural Development, University of the Philippines-Cornell University Graduate Education Program). |
AIR0000029 | Dartmouth Medical School. |
AIR0000030 | *Department of French, Department of Scandinavian Languages, and Department of Near Eastern Languages of the University of California, Berkeley, Calif. |
AIR0000031 | Duke University. |
AIR0000032 | Environmental Research Laboratory of the University of Arizona. |
AIR0000095 | Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), Batavia, Illinois. [Approved October 19, 2011] |
AIR0000033 | Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Medford, Mass. |
AIR0000034 | Ford Foundation, New York, N.Y. |
AIR0000035 | *Foundation for Aids Research, New York. [Approved February 8, 2011] |
AIR0000035 | American Foundation for Aids Research (AMFAR), New York, Washington, D.C., Bangkok, Thailand. [Approved February 8, 2011] |
AIR0000036 | Free Europe, Inc. (formerly Free Europe Committee, Inc.; National Committee for a Free Europe (including Radio Free Europe)). |
AIR0000037 | Georgetown University. |
AIR0000038 | George Williams Hooper Foundation, San Francisco Medical Center, University of California, San Francisco, Calif. |
AIR0000039 | Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Inc., and its operating unit, the Gorgas Memorial Laboratory. |
AIR0000040 | Graduate Faculty of Political and Social Science Division of the New School for Social Research, New York, N.Y. |
AIR0000041 | Harvard University (research and educational programs only). |
AIR0000042 | Harvard-Yenching Institute. |
AIR0000043 | Humboldt State University, School of Natural Resources, Wildlife Management Department. |
AIR0000044 | Indiana University at Bloomington, Indianapolis, South Bend, Northwest, Kokomo, Southeast, East, and Fort Wayne. |
AIR0000045 | Iowa State University. |
AIR0000046 | Institute for Development Anthropology, Inc. |
AIR0000047 | Institute of International Education, Inc. |
AIR0000030 | Institute of International Studies, University of California, Berkeley, Calif. |
AIR0000048 | International Center for Social Research, New York, N.Y. |
AIR0000049 | International Development Foundation, Inc. |
AIR0000050 | International Development Services, Inc. |
AIR0000051 | International Research Associates, Inc. |
AIR0000030 | Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies (formerly Stanford Center for Chinese Studies) in Taipei, Taiwan. |
AIR0000052 | Iran Foundation, Inc., The. |
AIR0000097 | Johns Hopkins University |
AIR0000053 | Kossuth Foundation, Inc., The, New York, N.Y. |
AIR0000054 | Louisiana State University. |
AIR0000055 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology. |
AIR0000056 | Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. |
AIR0000057 | Missouri Botanical Garden (programas de investigación y académicos únicamente). |
AIR0000058 | Natural Science Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. |
AIR0000059 | New York Zoological Society. |
AIR0000060 | *New York University, New York. [Approved February 8, 2011] |
AIR0000060 | New York University Abu Dhabi Institute, United Arab Emirates. [aprobado el 8 de febrero de 2011] |
AIR0000061 | Paderewski Foundation, Inc. |
AIR0000062 | Peabody Museum of Natural History of Yale University. |
AIR0000063 | People to People Health Foundation, Inc., The (solo en relación a los programas de investigación científica que se llevan en el extranjero a cargo del personal médico del SS "Hope"). |
AIR0000064 | Pierce College, Athens, Greece. (Solo en relación a investigación con un instructor, Departamento de Psicología). |
AIR0000065 | Population Council, The, New York, N.Y. |
AIR0000066 | Radio Liberty Committee, Inc. (conocido anteriormente como American Committee for Liberation, Inc.; American Committee for Liberation of the Peoples of Russia, Inc.; American Committee for Liberation from Bolshevism, Inc.). |
AIR0000067 | Rockefeller Foundation. |
AIR0000096 | Research Triangle Park |
AIR0000068 | Rutgers University, the State University of New Jersey. |
AIR0000069 | School of International Relations of the University of Southern California. |
AIR0000070 | SIRIMAR (Societa Internazionale Recerche Marine) Division, Office of the Vice President for Research, Pennsylvania State University. |
AIR0000071 | Social Science Research Council. |
AIR0000072 | Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI). |
AIR0000073 | *Stanford Electronic Laboratories, Department of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif. |
AIR0000074 | Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, Calif. |
AIR0000073 | Stanford University (the George Vanderbilt Foundation), Stanford, Calif. |
AIR0000075 | Syracuse University. |
AIR0000076 | *Tulane University Graduate School. |
AIR0000076 | Tulane University Medical School. |
AIR0000077 | *University of Alabama. |
AIR0000077 | University of Alabama Medical Center. |
AIR0000030 | University of California: UC Berkeley UC Davis UC Irvine UC Los Angeles UC Merced UC Riverside UC San Diego UC San Francisco UC Santa Barbara UC Santa Cruz |
AIR0000078 | University of Chicago (en calidad de participante de International Cooperation Administration Program No. W - 74 únicamente). |
AIR0000026 | University of Colorado (Department of History), Boulder, Colo. |
AIR0000079 | University of Connecticut, College of Liberal Arts and Science (Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages). |
AIR0000080 | University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. |
AIR0000081 | University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, Austria - Illinois Exchange Program. |
AIR0000082 | University of Kansas, Office of International Programs. |
AIR0000083 | University of La Verne (La Verne College of Athens). |
AIR0000084 | University of Michigan (School of Natural Resources), Ann Arbor, Mich. |
AIR0000085 | University of Minnesota, Department of Plant Pathology (en relación a los programas de investigación en el extranjero). |
AIR0000086 | University of Nebraska Mission in Colombia, South America. |
AIR0000087 | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. |
AIR0000088 | University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana |
AIR0000089 | University of Puerto Rico. |
AIR0000090 | University of Washington (Department of Marketing, Transportation, and International Business) and (The School of Public Health and Community Medicine), Seattle, Wash. |
AIR0000091 | Vanderbilt University [Includes College of Arts and Science, Blair School of Music, Divinity School, School of Engineering, Graduate School, Law school, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, Owen Graduate School of Management, Peabody College of Education and Human Development, the Medical Center, the Public Policy Center, and the Freedom Forum First Amendment Center], Nashville, Tennessee. [aprobado el 6 de abril de 2011] |
AIR0000092 | Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. |
AIR0000093 | Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. |
AIR0000094 | Williams College, Economic Department, Williamstown, Mass. |
AIR0000095 | Texas A&M University |
AIR0000096 | Middlebury College |
AIR0000097 | Carnegie Mellon University |
AIR0000098 | Oklahoma State University |
AIR0000099 | Baylor College of Medicine |
AIR0000100 | American University of Armenia |
AIR0000101 | Purdue University |
AIR0000102 | St. Olaf College |
AIR0000103 | The American Academy in Berlin |
AIR0000104 | St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital |
AIR0000105 | Tufts University |
AIR0000106 | Rice University |
AIR0000107 | Virginia Commonwealth University |
AIR0000108 | Institution-Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar |
AIR0000109 | University of Nevada, Reno Website |
AIR0000110 | University of Temple Website |