Chapter 8 - Conduct in USCIS Facilities
USCIS provides services to a diverse set of benefit requestors. USCIS always strives for the highest level of integrity and respect in all interactions with the public to ensure all parties are treated with dignity and courtesy. USCIS employees play a critical role in upholding these standards. USCIS employees should approach interactions in a manner that is consistent with USCIS policy.
A. Privacy in USCIS Offices
When communicating about personal or case specific information, both USCIS employees and the public should note the importance of protecting privacy.[1] Whenever possible, both USCIS employees and the public should take common sense steps to make communications as private as possible. For example, USCIS employees should:
- Avoid projecting so that others in the room can clearly hear conversations that involve personal information; and
- For in-person encounters about case-specific inquiries, ensure that inquirers are given sufficient space so that documents presented are not on display for others to see.
USCIS must strike a balance between quickly and accurately assisting large groups of benefit requestors on the one hand, and protecting the privacy of all persons on the other. USCIS employees and benefit requestors must work together to strike this balance as best as possible. Persons contacting USCIS regarding a matter with heightened privacy considerations should work with USCIS employees to ensure that their privacy is protected.
B. Electronic Devices
Visitors must abide by applicable policies established by the facility in which they are seeking services. Depending on the facility’s policies, visitors may be permitted to possess cell phones, personal digital assistants, tablets, laptops, and other electronic devices.
No one may photograph or record at a USCIS office except when observing naturalization or citizenship ceremonies. In addition, phones should be silenced while in the waiting area and any conversations should be kept to a low level so as not to disrupt others. Phones should be turned off during interviews or while being served by USCIS staff at the information counter.
To ensure successful implementation of this guidance, USCIS field offices are encouraged to:
- Ensure all USCIS federal and contract employees are aware of the cell phone usage policies;
- Ensure all visitors are informed of the cell phone usage policies; and
- Display posters and signage regarding this guidance in common areas.
[^ 1] See Chapter 7, Privacy and Confidentiality [1 USCIS-PM A.7].